VIA Survey of Character Strengths

VIA Survey of Character Strengths

Find Your 24 Character Strengths | Personal Strengths List | VIA Institute | VIA Institute
Everyone possesses all 24 character strengths in different degrees. See the full character strengths list here & learn a...

It looks like you need to register as a user of the site. You will then be asked to answer 240 questions. You can choose your language and read the questions in Japanese. Some of the Japanese language is weird, and some of the same questions are in two parts in a row, but I don’t believe it has significantly affected the results.

My top 5 strengths are as follows:

Your Top Strength

Curiosity and interest in the world –

You are curious about everything. You are always asking questions, and you find all subjects and topics fascinating. You like exploration and discovery.

Your Second Strength

Humor and playfulness –

You like to laugh and tease. Bringing smiles to other people is important to you. You try to see the light side of all situations.

Strength #3

Love of learning –

You love learning new things, whether in a class or on your own. You have always loved school, reading, and museums-anywhere and everywhere there is an opportunity to learn.

Strength #4

Fairness, equity, and justice –

Treating all people fairly is one of your abiding principles. You do not let your personal feelings bias your decisions about other people. You give everyone a chance.

Strength #5

Honesty, authenticity, and genuineness –

You are an honest person, not only by speaking the truth but by living your life in a genuine and authentic way. You are down to earth and without pretense; you are a “real” person.


For the most part, it was exactly how I imagined it would be.
But it would be interesting to check it once a year or so, to know if this is something that fluctuates over the years, or if it’s stable and not blurred.

There may be other similar tests out there, but anyway, it would be good to try this one.



