

Tips for learning new things

I put Tensorflow into my MacBook Air, which I bought recently, and try to run a small sample of Deep Learning. But I was...

The defeat of technology

I am sure that researchers are working hard to establish a method for detection or treatment of this new coronavirus. I ...

In the end, the world is made up of “chance and luck”?

Our life is pretty much a matter of chance or luck? In my past, whether it was my health, my friendships, or my work, I ...

Don’t make NPO a place of “rewarding exploitation”

I also have a link on the sidebar of this blog, but we are also engaged in NPO activities. What we're doing here, in a n...

Knowing who has the authority to decide how the money is spent

In relation to the new coronavirus issue, there has been a lot of attention paid to what and how much money the country ...